The woman screamed so loud and so much that her jaw popped out of its place

Sep 1, 2014 13:07 GMT  ·  By

A 20-year-old woman found herself in dire need of medical attention after dislocating her jaw while doing the Ice Bucket Challenge. On the upside, she got hurt for charity, so at least she can attach some special significance to her injury.

The incident occurred towards the end of last week, in town of Tipton in the UK. It was caught on camera, and the video is available below. Fair warning: the footage is rather shocking, so proceed with caution, should you decide to check it out.

The 20-year-old woman, identified as Isabelle Roberts, was not alone at the time she decided to do the Ice Bucket Challenge in front of the camera. She was accompanied by her stepfather and her mom, who lent her a helping hand.

Thus, it was mom Joanna Kelley who filmed Isabelle's reaction to having a bucket of ice cold water poured over her head. Stepfather John Kelly was the one who operated the bucket and dumped the water over the 20-year-old.

The video shows Isabelle Roberts first thanking one of her friends for having nominated her to take the Ice Bucket Challenge. Moments later, her stepfather approaches her from behind and pours a seriously oversized bucket of cold water over her head.

The 20-year-old lets out a few screams, and then manages to gain control of herself. However, while walking towards the camera, she finds that she can no longer move her jaw, simply because this body part is no longer in its rightful place.

“My jaw's locked,” the woman tells stepfather John and mother Joanna. “Careful, careful, calm, calm,” her mom tells her while rushing to help her. At this point, the video cuts out. One can only assume what followed was a moment of panic for the entire family.

According to New York Daily News, the 20-year-old was immediately taken to a local medical facility, the Russells Hall Hospital. Here, doctors managed to put her jaw back in place. The woman was allowed to return home with her family, but was told to keep away from any foods that require chewing for about 2 weeks.

Isabelle Roberts is now feeling much better and is expected to make a full recovery. “The next morning when I woke up it was a bit sore but other than that it has been fine,” she said in a statement. Furthermore, “As soon as it was clicked back into place it felt fine. It could have been a lot worse I guess.”