There are choices that fundamentally affect the game world

May 13, 2014 00:15 GMT  ·  By

The development team at MachineGames working on Wolfenstein: The New Order says that it would like all players who pick up the new shooter to play through it at least two times in order to be able to experience everything that the title has to offer.

Jens Matthies, who is the creative director working on the game, writes in a Reddit Ask Me Anything session that, “This game is exclusive single-player, but we’ve built in lots of replay value. Most notably is that the player makes a choice early on the outcome of which opens up an alternate time line which changes the vibe of the story. It’s recommended to do a second play through and see what would have happened if you chose differently.”

He adds, “I don’t want to give any spoilers, but it changes the vibe of the story to a degree and alters the gameplay somewhat. We think of it as an alternate ending, but instead of it just affecting the final cinematic, it affects the tone of the whole game a little bit.”

The developer says that those gamers who are looking to explore the entire game world and collect all the miscellaneous elements introduced in Wolfenstein: The New Order will need about 20 hours for the first playthrough.

The second one can be much shorter as the gamers only test the options that can radically alter the story in order to see what happens.

Wolfenstein: The New Order is a first-person shooter that relies on its single player to attract gamers, with the team at MachineGames saying that it has no plans to add multiplayer to the coming release at the moment.

Players will be able to experience a new story that stars B.J. Blazkowicz as the lone hero who is able to battle German Nazi forces that have managed to win World War II and are currently dominating the world using advanced technology and some truly impressive weaponry.

The team wants to capture the feeling of the classic titles in the series while delivering mechanics that can appeal to modern players.

At the same time, MachineGames is aiming to create a complex and believable game world with some interesting enemy characters and levels that can challenge the player on multiple levels.

Wolfenstein: The New Order will be offered on May 20 on the PlayStation 4 from Sony, the Xbox One from Microsoft, the PC and current-gen consoles.