Cool cutscenes and everything

Dec 15, 2006 11:15 GMT  ·  By

As the release date of the World of Warcraft expansion The Burning Crusade is getting closer and closer, Blizzard decided to release some cinematic images to prove how cool this expansion will be.

You can view the new cinematic video on Blizzard's website via a flash browser or you can get it for yourself HERE. This video offers you some cool cinematic images of Blood Elves and Draenei, and a message from Illidan Stormrage, who also makes an appearance.

The entire first segment of the original World of Warcraft cinematic is dominated by Dwarf Nose and Dwarf Bicep so I guess it is nice that they focused on something else for a change. Now, if only the actual game would rise up to the high standards of the cinematic video!

Reactions to this video are amazing. Some feel like re-activating their World of Warcraft accounts (yeah, there are some who managed to give it up) and some think that the cutscenes are so great that Blizzard should make an entire movie. This doesn't sound bad, given the fact that WoW is a huuuge franchise, and surely the movie would be a hit.

I'm not going to bore you anymore, I'll let you get on with the download and judge for yourselves if this video is any good.