Fun and with a neat design

Oct 14, 2008 10:38 GMT  ·  By

The next thing we plan to introduce to you is a nifty idea based on pure romance: the Liberty Fearns' Twinned MP3 Player, a piece of audio gadgetry that's been designed to play exactly the same tracks at the same time. I guess that the Twinned MP3 player has been created for those (few) people who are getting along so well that they can actually listen to the very same music. And since deciding whether such people really exist or not isn't exactly the point of this article, I guess that we can march on and see what else is there to this player.

One of the first things that caught our eye was its peculiar shape.

Still we’re not at all convinced whether we’re looking at the model of a chromosome or a stylized wishbone; the lines are clean and smooth, with a very fluid appearance which makes you love it instantly. It has something from the Apple players, yet the original touch is obvious.

Finished in plain white, the Liberty Fearns' Twinned MP3 Player looks especially cool thanks to the OLED display wisely hidden in the casing; practically you won't be able to tell the display from the white shell until some lettering appears and passes by as if projected onto its surface. Kudos to Liberty Fearns for such a nifty achievement!

On the operational side, the Liberty Fearns' Twinned MP3 Player is one of a kind: there are some things you can only do when both "halves" are docked, and there are things that are possible only when they are separated. In fact not even "halves" is such a good word: OK, these pieces could be referred to as halves of the chromosome/wishbone-thing, yet they are indeed two players...

Leaving this to be decided upon by future users, we’ll only add that you cannot load tracks or playlists in the Liberty Fearns' Twinned MP3 Player unless both parts are docked. And you won't be able to play anything but after you've separated them... and let the music keep everything together. Besides the truly interesting idea behind it, the Liberty Fearns' Twinned MP3 Player could at the same time be a very nifty gift for your significant other. No word on price or availability yet.

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Photo Gallery (3 Images)

An MP3 player shaped like a chromosome or a wishbone
A great, fluid design idea for the twinned MP3 PlayerClean shapes, elegant appearance
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