Oct 18, 2010 05:42 GMT  ·  By

Being able to gather seismic data as fast as possible is extremely important in quite a lot of situations (especially when the respective data can be used in order to anticipate the occurrence of an earthquake), and for this reason, the Wireless Seismic company has just introduced the RT 1000 real-time wireless seismic data acquisition system.

“The RT 1000 uses the strengths of today’s wireless technology to satisfy the seismic contractors’ need for immediate confirmation of data quality and data fidelity,” said Roy Kligfield, Wireless’ Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

“The RT 1000 is fast and flexible to deploy.

It retrieves data in real time with no collection or data transcription required, significantly reducing the time it takes to get high quality, full fidelity data into the hands of the exploration company clients,” Mr. Kligfield continued.

The RT 1000 acquires data in real-time just as conventional cabled systems do, but with all the advantages of the new cableless systems.

With small, lightweight acquisition units and a structured radio-link backhaul architecture, the RT 1000 is scalable so that it can be configured for small 2-D surveys or large 3-D surveys.

At the heart of the RT 1000 system is the Wireless Remote Unit (WRU), a sophisticated data acquisition unit with a radio link that weighs only seven pounds when configured with both batteries.

The deployment of the WRU is quick to learn and easy to accomplish, substantially reducing the operational costs and HSE risks long associated with conventional seismic acquisition.

Virtually invisible, the WRU has no environmental impact, reducing permit and landowner issues and is also stackable, so that crew mobilization and demobilization is quick and easy as well.

“The RT 1000 sets a new operational standard for this current generation of cableless seismic data acquisition systems,” added Kligfield.

“Its performance in field trials has exceeded all expectations and its data is of the quality expected in today’s exploration and production operations,” Wireless' Chairman concluded.