Dec 23, 2010 09:45 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft's next operating system, Windows 8, will be great for games and relaunch PC gaming as a whole, according to a new report coming from an inside source.

Versions of the Windows Operating System are powering most of the computers out there, but Microsoft hasn't really backed up the platform through its own software, ranging from Windows itself to programs like Games of Windows Live.

TechRadar posted a brand new report today, saying that Windows 8, the next OS coming from software giant Microsoft, will really propel gaming as an integral part of any PC.

PC gaming has been on the decline in recent years, with many deeming the platform dead in the water, but the advent of multiplayer online games like World of Warcraft and others like it, still keep it viable for many publishers.

Its popularity will increase, however, with Windows 8, at least according to the report.

"Windows 8 will represent a real new push into PC gaming," the source revealed. "Gaming will be a key component for the whole OS."

Don't forget that this isn't the first time Microsoft is promising support for gamers, as it revealed before the launch of the current Windows 7 that it will be great for gaming, not like the previous Vista or XP systems.

This time, however, things are looking up, as Microsoft has just relaunched its Games for Windows service, now equipped with a full-pledged marketplace that allows users to purchase games from the company's catalog.

While it still can't compete with Valve's Steam digital store, which is becoming stronger every day, thanks to huge promotions, it is a step in the right direction for the software corporation.

Windows 8 is still in development, with the latest report saying that the OS will arrive around 2012, probably towards the end of that year.

As such, people are still going to have to use Windows 7 or older systems for their gaming needs.