The company wants to deliver “one experience for all customers”

Nov 19, 2013 08:34 GMT  ·  By

It’s not a secret anymore that Microsoft is striving to offer a similar experience across all Windows devices, such as tablets, smartphones, and desktop PCs, especially as the company continues the transition to devices and services.

Redmond now claims that since the Windows platform, including Windows and Windows Phone, has received significant improvements lately, it’s goal is to help the company become a leader and provide a seamless experience for all users as they switch from one device to another.

“Our goal is to lead the industry in delivering a single common mobile platform that represents one Windows, one experience for our customers,” Erwin Visser, Microsoft's senior director for Windows Commercial, said recently.

“Windows is built to work well together across the range of devices from high performance desktops, to tablets and phones. Windows and Windows Phone have the same shared operating system core, which means we deliver a common platform from management, security, and networking to productivity tools, app platform, file access and user interface.”

Windows 8.1 was thus designed not only to power your desktop, but also to enhance mobility and boost productivity on the go.

This is only possible with the help of a powerful operating system aimed at tablets and mobile phones with integrated synchronization features and access to cloud-based solutions.

“Businesses big and small are choosing to migrate to Windows 8.1,” Visser pointed out.

With Windows 8.1, Microsoft has also made an important step forward in getting closer to end users, as it implemented a number of features based on their feedback.

The Start button is back, users can now skip the Start screen and boot directly to desktop, while the Start screen boasts many more customization options to make the transition from desktop to Metro faster and easier.

Windows 8 adoption remains low though, with third-party data showing that only 8 percent of users have until now moved to the modern operating system since its debut on October 26, 2012.