The windmill not only has no blades, it doesn't move at all

Apr 3, 2013 14:34 GMT  ·  By

Giant windmills that spin in the wind are a grand sight, especially in wind power plants, but they are rather dangerous, some keep arguing.

To be fair, if one of those propellers, or just one blade, suddenly broke off from the stem/pole/building, it could definitely cause some damage.

That is why the Delft University of Technology created the WICOM, which looks like a net, or a modern piece of art.

What it really is, however, is a windmill with no moving parts.

EWICON is also dubbed Electrostatic Windenergy Convertor and is made of a steel frame with criss-crossing metal tubes that release electrically charged water droplets.

Said drops are blown away by the wind, thus creating a current that generates electricity. Absolute silence is assured even under the heaviest of winds (within reason of course).

The EWICON in the photo above is a testing version. The idea is to make them much, much larger.