7 weeks of Windows 7

Sep 7, 2009 07:21 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft kicked off 7 weeks of Windows 7 at the end of the past week, in a move designed to build momentum for the general availability of the latest Windows client. The Redmond-based company is working its way to October 22nd, 2009 when Windows 7 will hit the shelves, and the Windows Outreach Team and #WinWin7 on Twitter are part of the software giant’s efforts to increase the visibility of Windows Vista’s successor. #WinWin7 made its debut on September 3rd, with Microsoft selecting 7 Twitter followers just as many free pizzas. Moving onward, customers should, of course, expect more and more promotions from the company created around “7.”

“Throughout the next 7 weeks, @mswindows will be giving away prizes all based on the number 7 (for Windows 7). Winners must take part in the challenges and are encouraged to invite friends to join in on the fun which all culminates on launch day - October 22nd,” noted Brandon LeBlanc, Windows Communications Manager on the Windows Client Communications Team. “Make sure you’re following @mswindows and tell them Brandon sent you. Oh and watch for the official #WinWin7 hash tag too.”

The few members of the Windows Outreach Team are responsible with both the @mswindows and the Windows Live Twitter account @windowslive. LeBlanc explained that the four members of the team are also responsible for content posted on various blogs and forums in response to user issues. According to Microsoft, the Windows Outreach Team has been tasked with transforming web-based communities into resources to drive Windows.

“These team members bring a wealth of knowledge (both consumer and even a bit on the “techy” side) to the table. Anywhere from gaming to watching your media across your home network, these guys have been there and tried out the fixes and know what works and what doesn’t. You can bet on them to offer advice and an open ear, not a sales pitch and a bottom line – oddly enough, none of them wanted to be a snake oil salesman growing up,” LeBlanc added. “So, keep a lookout for the team on some of your favorite blogs and forums and feel free to say 'hi' or just ask a question. They’ll be sure to help get you on the track to whatever it is you need.”

Windows 7 RTM Enterprise 90-Day Evaluation is available for download here.