With a bit of luck and talent it's yours for the taking

Jan 11, 2008 12:11 GMT  ·  By

Don't stop to ponder, the time to act is now! In order to win the Google Refrigerator in the picture, you just have to write a blog talking about what you'd do with it in case you'd win it. Easy as pie, I think, I'll get on it just after I finish writing this.

And what wouldn't I do with it? Seeing that you can plug it in and run it effectively in your car, I think that I've just found the copilot of dreams. Or, I would plug it in the USB and never have to leave the PC again, just for other needs. Why am I telling you this and giving away my ideas? Just pretend that you didn't read that and we're cool.

The contest ends on Monday, the 14th of January, so I guess you now see why I've sort of rushed you to start with the writing. I guess you need to know the full history of the fridge if you are to blog for it, I mean that would only seem fair: it's a gift from Google for users who hit their millionth PPC lead and it's almost two years old now, April 2006 being the date Dan Perry received it.

The judges will be the (soon to be former) owners of the fridge, Tamar Weinberg, Barry Schwartz and Matt McGee, and they will be looking at the blogs linking back to Dan's personal page for about a week after the submitting period concludes, so it's a lot of time to keep your fingers crossed.

Now, get to thinking about what you'd do with it and perhaps you'll be the one to find the Monday after the next that your blog has been linked back by Perry and that you have what could be called a "collector's item" on your hands. Best of luck to you! (I don't really mean it, best of luck to me!)

Dan Perry