Nov 24, 2010 15:20 GMT  ·  By

With Black Friday just days away, Microsoft has prepared for the influx of shoppers, and is pointing users to Bing Shopping as the starting point for their online shopping needs. At the same time, the company introduced the Bing Holiday Shopping Facebook App, a move illustrative of the fact that shopping is a social experience ahead of anything else.

People are always relying on advice or insight from friends when buying new clothes, hardware, gifts, etc. The online experience should not be different in this regard.

And according to the software giant, all that shoppers need is the shopping vertical of its search / decision engine and a social network, in this case, Facebook.

“Search for the gift items you might want to buy. Then share on Facebook with your friends. Baffled over which boots to buy? Post and ask your favorite fashionista,” a member of the Bing team stated.

“Got your wires crossed in the electronics department? Hit up your Gadget Geek. Terrorized in the toy aisle? Send an SOS to your BFF who’s truly a Kid at Heart.”

With the Bing Holiday Shopping Facebook App, users are able to put together a veritable digital shopping squad, the Redmond company stated.

The toll allows shoppers to tap friends and family for advice in relation to their upcoming shop[ping spree, and there’s bound to be one with the 2010 holiday season approaching fast.

The Bing Holiday Shopping Facebook App is not only a way to ask for help, but also a way for shoppers to win some extra spending money.

“And, as if you needed 500 more reasons to spend less time fighting the holiday crowds, Bing brings it anyway.

"Every week from now through Jan. 3, 2011, one lucky shopper will win $500. Use it to buy yourself something nice—or splurge on a gift for that special someone,” the Bing team representative added.