Jun 23, 2011 20:41 GMT  ·  By

Valve has long been seen by gamers as one of the main video game developers when it comes to the PC market, mainly because of their support for Steam, but the company has also made steady inroads on home gaming console with titles like the Left 4 Dead series and with the recently released Portal 2.

And now the company is taking a good hard look at the new Wii U home gaming console from Nintendo and is thinking about creating game experiences for it.

Gabe Newell, who is the one of the co founders of Valve and its main public face, has stated in an interview with Joystiq, “Wii U seems to be a lot more powerful than the previous generation. It sort of fits better into the scalability in terms of graphics performance and CPU performance, so I think it'll be a lot easier for us to fit it into our scalability model.”

He added, “Now it's a lot easier to look at Wii U and have it fit within that framework.”

Newell has not officially confirmed that any future video game from Valve was coming to the Wii U but it would be hard to do that considering that at the moment the developer does not have any officially announced games other than Defense of the Ancients 2, which might very well be its very first free to play video game.

The Nintendo made Wii U was first shown a few weeks ago at the E3 2011 trade event and the company focused on the new controller, which incorporates the traditional motion tracking and analog controls but also has a new, big touch screen.

Nintendo has made it clear that the new device has the hardware power needed to deliver the same High Definition graphics as the Xbox 360 from Microsoft and the PlayStation 3 from Sony.