Despite the inferior CPU that the Nintendo hardware uses

Sep 25, 2012 07:05 GMT  ·  By

One leading Japanese developer working on a title for the Nintendo Wii U has revealed that the CPU of the new home console is less powerful than that of the current generation from Sony and Microsoft, but it is still able to deliver better graphics.

Akihiro Suzuki, who is a producer working on Dynasty Warriors, has stated, “One of the weaknesses of the Wii U compared to PS3 and Xbox 360 is the CPU power is a little bit less. So for games in the Warriors series, including Dynasty Warriors and Warriors Orochi, when you have a lot of enemies coming at you at once, the performance tends to be affected because of the CPU. Dealing with that is a challenge.”

The developer also talked about how hard it is to adapt the game development process for a new game console but he also talked about the new possibilities that the hardware has opened up.

He added, “Make no mistake, from a visual standpoint, it is able to produce better graphics. So our challenge was to make a higher quality graphics. We were able to meet that.”

Suzuki is currently working on Warriors Orochi 3 HYPER.

The Wii U will be launched between November 18 and December 8 on all major markets and Nintendo has been talking about the abilities of the new hardware.

The Wii U offers more memory than both the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360 and that will allow developers to offer better textures and smarter enemies.

Nintendo has largely abandoned hardcore players with the original Wii and it is making a clear effort to get them interested in the new console, with ports for high profile titles like Assassin’s Creed III and Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.

Warriors Orochi 3 HYPER will be launched on the Wii U in Q4, 2012, but the publisher has not offered a clear launch date.