The Duchess is being intensely scrutinized for signs of being pregnant

Aug 11, 2014 17:53 GMT  ·  By

Over the past weeks the reports that Kate Middleton was pregnant with her second child came one after the other, and each supported the previous rumor by adding a little extra

At the moment, we're still not that far along in our scenarios than we were in the beginning because we have nothing to go on, apart from some dubious reports from a friend of Kate's that she hasn't spoken to in years and photos of what may or may not be a baby bump.

While the baby bump watch continues feverishly, as all the British publications are fighting to be the first to confirm the second royal baby, The Duchess has a number of public appearances scheduled in the coming weeks, which means that we'll be hearing a lot more speculations.

Some of the mothers out there have pointed out that if Kate were really pregnant as it's been reported since July, then she should be showing her first signs of baby bump by now. However, specialists have warned that Kate hasn't bulged up even during her first pregnancy with George.

It wasn't until her fifth month of pregnancy that Kate really looked like she was expecting so it might take a while to see if she's with child again. By our calculations, based on the first reports, she's already four months along, meaning that there are still some weeks before we can see a bump.

Of course, there are those other rumors coming from confidential sources with the royal family, that Kate has miscarried. If she has, she's not addressed the issue, and the only official statement the Palace of Buckingham has made is that the pregnancy reports are not true.

Meanwhile, Kate Middleton is scheduled to appear at the wedding of Charlie Gilkes and Anneke von Trotha Taylor later this year, where she will be joined by Prince William and Prince Harry.

For now, the royal couple is getting ready to switch residences from the public Kensington Palace, to a more quiet location in Norfolk where they can escape the prying eyes of the media and the public. Of course, this has only spurred rumors Kate is expecting.

In reality, the move has more to do with the fact that Prince William is getting ready to start his helicopter pilot training with the Air Ambulance service. The Prince will first start out as a co-pilot and then move up to helicopter commander if he passes the tests. Of course, his salary is going to be donated in full to charity.