Keeping in mind that last year's display was disappointing too

Jul 20, 2007 09:07 GMT  ·  By

Just a little while ago we finished talking about Silicon Knights' lawsuit filed against Epic, for not complying with the terms of the two companies' agreement over the Unreal Engine 3 used in SK's Too Human for the PS3. Now, a piece up on has some details on why SK decided not to show anything "Too Human" at this year's E3 convention.

Dennis Dyack, president and company founder, stated: "We made the decision not to show Too Human at the press conference some time ago. The reason for this decision was that we have another event planned in the future for Too Human that we thought would be more appropriate," Dyack explained to "If it were not for this event, we would have shown Too Human at this year's E3, as the game is coming along very well and we are excited for everyone to see it. As you probably know, we did show a new trailer and it was received very well. Not attending the show and setting appointments with the press was due to Silicon Knights being extremely busy finalizing the game and we simply could not spare the time."

That's not all though. An update on this story has citing a Peter Moore interview with Eurogamer, discovering that Too Human is seriously looking towards a 2008 release. Apparently, Moore was prompted to answer a question about what great titles Microsoft has beyond this year - "...he clearly mentions Too Human, among others like Alan Wake, Halo Wars, Fable 2 and Banjo Kazooie," as GameDaily reports.

These are the facts. There's nothing more to comment on Too Human being a disappointment during the E3 in 2006, while SK didn't even show it at this year's convention. You be the judge, what do you think?