Check with The Apple /// Resource

May 29, 2008 20:06 GMT  ·  By

If you're a true Apple fan, and an early adopter of the company's systems, you might want to check out The Apple /// Resource. As a geek you will probably think you've just died and went to Apple heaven, with all the old user manuals, old apps crafted especially for the Apple ///, emulators and even the Apple /// Rom available for grabs.

"The Apple /// software library contains many applications which were developed specifically for the Apple ///", says Seatte Omniworks Inc. "While not nearly as extensive as the Apple [?] library, the fact that the Apple /// was able to run Apple [?] software through an emulator disk meant that this machine was basically limitless in what it could run."

The guys behind The Apple /// Resource have managed to link a number of manuals from a number of resources both in-house as well as those around the web, but if you have Apple /// materials and you wish to contribute to this effort, you're welcome to contact them following this address.

To this day, the only Apple /// emulators available are the one produced by Black Cat Systems and the one from MESS "The MESS Project includes a number of emulators in the project but the Apple /// section's status is unknown at this time", says The Apple /// Resource web site.

You will be able to find stuff like MESS Win32 Binary, SARA Version 0.5.0 (Universal Binary), SARA Version 0.4.0 (PPC, or 48K), the now-historical Apple /// Rom, the CiderPress 3.0 Disk Imaging Utility Home Page (Win32 Only) etc. Some Special items, such as Apple /// System Schematics, System Source Code, Apple /// Photos and even Apple /// Videos can also be found at The Apple /// Resource.

The library is comprised of Apple /// Software, Apple /// Manuals, Apple /// Emulators, Apple /// Links, Wanted Items, News and Updates and some other Apple /// resources. Be sure to have a look at it when you have some spare time. You'll probably grab everything you lay your hands on.