The two birds were spotted in the Palamu Tiger Reserve

Nov 29, 2013 02:51 GMT  ·  By
White vultures show up in India's Palamu Tiger Reserve for the first time in 10 years
   White vultures show up in India's Palamu Tiger Reserve for the first time in 10 years

Officials monitoring India's Palamu Tiger Reserve say that, just a few days ago, they spotted not one, but two white vultures hanging around this wildlife sanctuary.

By the looks of it, these birds are the first of their kind to have been seen in this part of India in over a decade. “It was a wonderful sight,” divisional Anil K. Mishra says.

At the time when they were observed, the birds were resting on the banks of local river dubbed Koyal, Timed of India tells us. Wildlife researchers doubt that they have left the region, and expect that they will soon be spotted again.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature currently considers white vultures to be an endangered species, and warns that, unless measures are taken, the birds could soon go extinct.

Conservationists hope that the two white vultures spotted in the Palamu Tiger Reserve are part of a breeding population, and that the species will eventually make a comeback.