The cubs are about five weeks old, haven't been named yet

Sep 23, 2013 19:51 GMT  ·  By
While lion cubs born at wildlife park in Tasmania finally make their public debut
   While lion cubs born at wildlife park in Tasmania finally make their public debut

Visitors to Tasmania's Zoodoo Wildlife Park have recently had the chance to feast their eyes on a pair of white lion cubs that were born at this facility about five weeks ago.

By the looks of it, the two cubs haven't yet been named. This is because zoo staff is expecting to get some help from the public in choosing proper monikers for them.

The cubs will live at the Zoodoo Wildlife Park until they celebrate their first birthday. Once this happens, they'll be sent to zoos and wildlife parks overseas.

Park owner Trevor Cuttriss has told the press that, for the time being, white lions are nearly extinct in the wild. Hence the fact that the birth of these cubs was welcomed by conservationists and ordinary folks alike.

“We are so excited here, especially to get two, because there are less than 300 white lions in the world and the species is extinct in the wild,” he said, as cited by Thai Panda.