Trick and cheat through the adventure

Nov 17, 2009 15:47 GMT  ·  By

The adventure continues with today's second release of LEGO Indiana Jones, the main character whipping into the adventures of the original movies of the Indiana Jones franchise. You can begin the adventure on new platforms available, the title being released for the Wii, the PS3 and the Xbox 360 at $49.99 and the PC, the PSP and the DS at $29.99.

The four cinematic adventures of the iconic archaeologist are peppered with a LEGO twist in this freshly released title as Indy tosses up brick-built opponents and builds up LEGO machinery in order to complete the quest. You'll be thrown in a LEGO humorous spinoff of all the four cinematic adventures of Indiana Jones, with Kingdom of the Crystal Skull being included for the first time in the game.

Prepare yourselves for countless hours of gameplay that will also include building levels from ground up, brick by brick, spicing them with all sorts of traps, dangerous contraptions and hard to get rewards and treasures with the level-editor introduced for the first time in a LEGO game.

The fun is enforced by the improved split-screen co-op mode, the ability to toggle between the different characters available, bonus levels, ever-going action, plus the innovative re-telling of the classic movies: Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

If you need a little cheating help, there is a good way to get it by hunting treasures on the title's website (hint: check the treasure counter area in the lower right hand part of the page for help and details). Basically, all you have to do is navigate through the different areas of the website and be on the look out for the glowing treasure chests. Click them and you will be instantly awarded a cheat code for an amount of reward points (100, 500 or 1500).

You can check out the goofy characters and how they cut through the LEGO spinoff of Indiana Jones adventures in our review of the game.


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