The best come from Russia

Oct 1, 2007 13:38 GMT  ·  By

If you're a fan of security news, then you've probably read a thousand times that Russian hackers did this, Russian hackers did that. But who are these guys? Well, the most dangerous hacker threat in this country comes from the Russian Business Network. Their name is rather ironic, considering the fact that it sounds like they're into legal business, when actually all they do is commit cyber-crime. They have been hosting kiddie-porn and apparently have also been behind the attacks against the official site of the Bank of India.

There are all kinds of rumors about the RBN - some say that this organized pack of hackers has high connections in the Russian administration, but there is no proof of that. These guys are responsible for a lot of exploits and evil stuff going on over the web. VeriSign's report on the RBN comes to confirm some of these speculations.

As seen in the report I mentioned above, RBN is entirely illegal. VeriSign iDefense research identified phishing, malicious code, botnet command-and-control (C&C), and denial of service (DoS) attacks on every single server owned and operated by RBN. And nobody really knows anything about these guys, or who they are. They operate under a lot of names and have many servers that apparently cannot be taken down by anyone. Spamhaus says that the RBN provides "bulletproof hosting" but is probably involved in the crime, too.

So, when you're talking about Russian cyber-criminals, then the RBN is definitely the worse. Check out this link, to see more about their servers.

These guys are so famous for their 'evil deeds' that there's even a detailed blog abut their activity. I only gave out general information, for people to have an idea why these guys are the worst, but if you want to find out more, you may click here.