Our sexual needs, experiences, desires, fantasies and attitudes

Jun 15, 2007 19:06 GMT  ·  By

You may dream of having sex with all those sexy next door girls during daytime, with eyes wide open, but this can also perpetrate into the intimacy of your night dreams.

A new research points out that about 8% of our dreams, regardless of gender, has some form of sexual-related content.

The detailed approach aimed at capturing the actual nature and content of erotic dreams in a large sample of dream reports from men and women. The ratio of women reporting such dreams is greatly increased compared to old researches, maybe due to the fact that either women actually experience more sexual dreams now than they did four decades ago, or that they perceive much more sexual freedom today, which makes them feel more comfortable reporting erotic dreams, due to changes in social roles and sexual attitudes.

The research was made by Dr. Antonio Zadra, of the Universite de Montreal, and analyzed a pool of more than 3,500 home dream reports gathered from men and women.

Erotic dreams had as the main component the sexual intercourse, but they also contained sexual propositions, kissing, fantasies and masturbation. In both genders, orgasm was experienced in approximately 4% of their sexual dreams. Orgasms experienced by another dream character was reported in 4% of the women's sexual dreams, but no male reported such occurrence.

Current or ex partners were part of 20% of women's sexual dreams, while the number decreased to 14% for men. Public figures were present in a double number of female erotic dreams compared to those of men, while this situation occurred with men in the case of multiple sex partners fantasies.

"Observed gender differences may be indicative of different waking needs, experiences, desires and attitudes with respect to sexuality. This is consistent with the continuity hypothesis of dreaming which postulates that the content of everyday dreams reflects the dreamer's waking states and concerns -- that is, that dream and waking thought contents are continuous.", Zadra said.