We're headed for perfection

Jan 12, 2007 14:03 GMT  ·  By

The Macworld Expo was not only the place where people meet the products and people from companies involved in designing, producing and selling hardware and software related in a way or another with Apple and its products, but also a place where companies got information about the needs of every Mac user.

Extensis is a software company coming from Portland, Oregon, and its two main products are Portfolio and Suitcase Fusion, a new product born from the old Suitcase and Font Reserve applications. Since they made such a big change, bringing two products under a single name banner, Extensis had also a good idea of asking some questions to the Mac users visiting its booth, and I thought that it would be a good idea to tell you about them...

The first question was "What is the one thing a technology company can do to provide you with better customer satisfaction?", and almost half of the people surveyed (47 percent) said that they would like to have products with fewer bugs. After having as bug-less software as possible, another wish of the users surveyed was to get better overall customer service (40 percent). On the last two positions, with seven and six percent, were the alternatives of getting more online product support and lower prices.

The most interesting part of the Extensis surveys was the part where the visitors were asked about holding out on software or hardware purchases for the availability of Adobe CS3. To be honest, I wasn't expecting opinions to be almost on a draw, but it seems this is what came out. While 51 percent of the questioned people agreed to wait until CS3 comes out, the rest of them won't sit back and watch the countdown to Adobe CS3's launch to make technology purchases.