Up to 300 hours of extra-recording time for your DVR

Jun 29, 2007 12:51 GMT  ·  By

As less and less people actually have the time of watching TV shows exactly when they're aired, digital video recorders (DVRs) have become extremely popular during the past few years. However, they generally provide relatively limited storage spaces, at least compared to the users' needs and this is the reason why Western Digital has just launched its My Library Video Edition DVR Expander, a device that can store up to 300 hours of digital standard-definition (SD) or 60 hours of high-definition (HD) television programming based on 500 GB of hard drive storage.

Western Digital's new storage expander is extremely easy to install, as all the users have to do is connect it to the external SATA port on the DVR. It communicates with the recorder via an eSATA connection that provides data transfer speeds of up to 3 Gb/s and also features a very innovative passive cooling system that eliminates the need for a fan, thus keeping the noise level at a minimum. Moreover, it won't occupy too much space in the users' entertainment centers, as it measures just 172.2 mm x 143 mm x 56.7 mm, at a weight of around 1.2 kilograms.

According to Western Digital, the My Library DVR Expander has been tested for compatibility with Scientific Atlanta 8300 Series digital video recorders (including models 8300 HD, 8300 MR and 8300 HD-MR). Further compatibility of the My Library Video Edition DVR Expander is planned as other cable and satellite DVR manufacturers enable the eSATA (external SATA) ports on their currently-deployed DVRs.

"As the adoption of storage-hungry HDTV continues to grow, the demand for additional storage becomes increasingly important to consumers," said Jim Welsh, vice president and general manager of WD's branded products and consumer electronics businesses. "When it comes to entertainment, adding WD's DVR Expander to their DVR lets consumers save more of their TV shows giving them greater control and convenience", he added.

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The Western Digital My Library Video Edition DVR Expander - front
The Western Digital My Library Video Edition DVR Expander - back
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