The creature was even filmed while hanging about a local garden

Feb 19, 2014 22:01 GMT  ·  By

Pretty much every time some weird, legendary creature makes headlines, it's either Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster or the Chupacabra.

Apparently, werewolves have gotten sick and tired of being left out, and have taken it to themselves to make sure that they too get their time in the spotlight.

Long story short, one such creature is said to be currently roaming the town of São Gonçalo de Campos in Brazil's state of Bahia.

Local media reports say that the creature was first spotted by a man named Pingo. This man claims that not only did he see the werewolf, but that he almost got eaten by it.

More precisely, he says that, almost immediately after he locked eyes with the creature, the latter started running towards him.

Odds are a human's chances to outrun a werewolf are pretty much slim to none.

Still, Pingo somehow managed to get away from the 5-foot (about 1.5 meters) tall black monster fast enough to escape with his life.

He then told others about his encounter with the creature but, not at all surprisingly, nobody believed him. Until others also chanced to spot the beast, that is. Mirror tells us that, in the aftermath of several locals reporting encounters with the black beast, authorities in the town of São Gonçalo de Campos decided to impose a 9 p.m. curfew.

The curfew has not yet been lifted, and will probably stay in place until the mystery surrounding the alleged werewolf sightings is solved.

The good news for legendary creatures aficionados is that the werewolf that is now keeping itself entertained by terrorizing folks in said town in Brazil is not at all camera shy.

Hence, somebody actually managed to film it while it was enjoying a moonlight walk through a local garden. The footage is available in the video below but, unfortunately, it is of a rather poor quality.

Rest assured, the moment the alleged werewolf is caught – provided that this ever happens, that is – you will find its mugshot here, and you will be able to judge for yourselves just how scary and legendary a monster it really is.