“If you wouldn't eat your dog, why eat Turkey?,” reads PETA's latest banner

Sep 26, 2012 12:53 GMT  ·  By
Turkey-dog hybrid asks children in Ottawa not to eat Turkey for Thanksgiving
   Turkey-dog hybrid asks children in Ottawa not to eat Turkey for Thanksgiving

Skeptics stand to argue that PETA's past attempts to rid grown-ups of the habit of eating meat have for the most part proved to be futile.

The organization is also probably well aware of this situation, hence its decision to deal with this problem while future meat-eaters are still young.

More precisely, these animal rights activists now plan to have billboards displaying the image above installed close to schools in Ottawa.

We can only assume that they are hoping that this will urge children - perhaps even some teenagers - to realize that, much like the dogs they play with, the turkeys they are going to feast on for Thanksgiving must have their animal rights respected.

“This Thanksgiving, families can give all animals something to be thankful for by sticking to humane, delicious vegan meals,” argues PETA.