A whole new ending to Mass Effect 3 would be great, but an epilogue isn't that bad either

Apr 7, 2012 19:21 GMT  ·  By

Without a doubt, the biggest piece of news this week was the confirmation of the Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut DLC that will finally address the ending of the role playing shooter.

While it may not provide a whole new ending, like many fans want, the DLC will offer “extended scenes that provide additional context and deeper insight to the conclusion of Commander Shepard’s journey.”

This added dose of clarity and bigger amount of closure is pretty much perfect for the game, at least in my humble view.

Mass Effect 3 delivered a stunning story and BioWare’s intention, of making the whole game feel like a conclusion, is quite apparent, as you’re tying up quite a few loose ends, with different degrees of success throughout your playthrough.

Yes, I’m among the many who believed that the ending felt rushed and didn’t exactly like it because the actual ending provided little insight into what happened after the actual conclusion.

I can understand leaving things to the imagination of the player (I loved Inception’s cliffhanger ending), but I’m more than willing to see an actual epilogue to Commander Shepard’s adventures.

I’m not picky, even some photo collages of my various squad mates will do, just like in Dragon Age: Origins or Fallout: New Vegas, as both titles resorted to presenting the outcomes of the different people you’ve met at the end, based on how you interacted with them.

Sure, cinematic sequences with actual voice acting would be even more impressive but even the bare minimum is alright, as I can always fill the rest of it out with my imagination.

Basically, I just want my Female Commander Shepard to meet up with Liara after the fight and enjoy some moments (even if they may be final) together and I'm sure lots of you also want to spend time with your love interests in the game.

Do you want the same clarifications that will seemingly be delivered by the Extended Cut DLC or are you still waiting for a whole new ending from BioWare, that will conclude things in a more optimistic way? Share your thoughts and expectations below.