Dr.SHA6H has posted a protest message against the Syrian conflict on the hacked sites

Sep 13, 2013 07:10 GMT  ·  By

The official website of the United Nations in Armenia (un.am), and the website of a Slovenia-based Avira distributor (avira.si) have been hacked by Dr.SHA6H.

The hacker has defaced both websites to protest against the conflict in Syria, HackRead informs.

“When patience and children being killed and women [abused]! Three years in a row and there is no solution to the blood in Syria?” the hacker said.

“What do you do if the blood of children? Oil… all the world is seeking to oil. Is this humanity that we are studying in schools and universities and everywhere? All we do now speech what action from government and human rights organizations! Very sorry to penetrate the site.”

At the time of writing, the website of the United Nations in Armenia is offline. The site of the Avira distributor still displays the defacement page.

However, Avira representatives tell me that they’ve informed the distributor of the hack and instructed them to fix the website immediately.

Avira says it will monitor the situation to make sure the problem is addressed today.

Websites hacked by Dr.SHA6H (2 Images)

Avira.si hacked
United Nations in Armenia hacked
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