The site was hacked at least three times in the past

Dec 23, 2013 10:46 GMT  ·  By

The official website of Padma Oil Company Limited (, the largest and oldest petroleum company in Bangladesh, has been hacked and defaced by a hacker who uses the online moniker “z3r0c0000l.”

As E Hacking News highlights, this is not the first time when the state-owned company’s website is hacked.

It was hacked by Algerian hackers in 2011 and by Pakistani hackers in 2012. Last month, an Indian group successfully targeted the website.

Furthermore, after z3r0c0000l defaced it, a group called Gllok Hackers posted their own defacement page on the site’s homepage.

It’s uncertain if hackers keep finding new vulnerabilities or if the site’s administrators restore it without actually fixing the security holes exploited by the attackers.

At the time of writing, the Padma Oil Company website is still defaced.