Dreamhost encourages users to switch to Gmail

May 27, 2008 10:25 GMT  ·  By

Dreamhost, a large web hosting provider based in Los Angeles, said in a blog post that users should really give Gmail a try because Google simply "does do a great job at email." Moreover, "in a way we are taking some steps to stop providing email," Dreamhost explained in the blog entry. The reason? "It's just not something people are looking for from us, and it's something the big free email providers like Yahoo, Microsoft, and Google can do better."

Gmail was first launched on April 1, 2004 and since then it has been drastically improved with all kinds of features, including better loading times, larger storage capacity and more efficient spam filters. At this time, Gmail says it offers 6765.350026 megabytes (and counting) of free storage which allows you to keep all the messages you want without the need of removing any of them.

Moreover, Google upgraded Gmail from the private beta stage to the public beta, making it available for all the users without the need for invitations. In addition, it has recently added IMAP support and a few other features which clearly make Gmail one of the most powerful email services on the web. But are the main Gmail key features in the opinion of Dreamhost?

"Well, they do have a pretty cool web interface, which you can add your own logo to and access at your own domain; but besides that they also have regular POP/IMAP/SMTP access, plus awesome archiving, searching, filtering, reliability, accessibility," it explains.

Integrating Gmail into Dreamhost's services was one of the most requested features by consumers, wrote Josh Jones, the Dreamhost official who signed by blog post. "And, offering easier integration with Google Apps / Gmail was one of our top 5 most popular suggestions. And, we're still not worried about Google getting into web hosting, as I explained two years ago!" he stated.