Nov 29, 2010 20:51 GMT  ·  By
Use moisturizing creams and lotions to avoid damage on your hair, lips and body by the winter cold
   Use moisturizing creams and lotions to avoid damage on your hair, lips and body by the winter cold

Winter is almost here (or here to stay already in some territories) so this means a hoard of new problems for those of us with more sensitive skin: hands become coarse, hair loses shine and lips become chapped.

Of course, even if it’s cold outside and we believe the damage has already been done, that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to make things right again, a piece in the Daily Mail argues.

The solution is, as expected: moisturizing. For starters, we have to make sure we drink plenty of liquid (water and teas are excellent solutions). Secondly, we have to buy products designed specifically for the damage incurred by cold weather.

Understandably, before we apply the lotions and creams, we must also ensure we limit the damage by wearing accessories suitable for the outside weather, gloves and hats that protect our delicate skin from the wind and the cold.

“The key is finding products that contain a combination of two types of ingredient, humectants such as hyaluronic acid and urea, which draw the water we drink to the skin, and occlusives such as paraffin and lanolin, which help to lock in the moisture so it can’t escape,” the Mail says.

If the lips aren’t chapped yet but they do appear drier than normal, exfoliation two times a week can do wonders. For this, use an older toothbrush – and make sure you moisturize properly when you’re done.

If the lips are already chapped and painful, this means exfoliation is no longer an option: so look for something to apply on them that can soothe the pain, preferably without preservatives that can cause irritations.

Really damaged skin can be repaired with 1 per cent hydrocortisone cream sold over the counter, dermatologists say for the aforementioned publication. Still, the treatment mustn’t go on for more than a week – if no improvement is apparent, try consulting a dermatologist for help.

“Start looking after the skin on your body from the moment you shower in the morning by switching your regular shower gel for a shower oil to keep skin well moisturized,” the Mail recommends.

To prevent nails from splitting, use plenty of hand cream and, in order to keep hair in top shape, use a leave-in conditioner for extra shine.