It really does not show its age

Jul 27, 2007 09:09 GMT  ·  By

The mobile phone industry has recently celebrated the 15th birthday of the Short Message Service Centre (SMSC). This is the principal application behind text messaging and has been first used by Acision in 1992.

The SMSC infrastructure makes it possible to manage up to 16,000 messages per second, although 15 years ago this was capable of sending only 10 messages per second. It is scalability which makes this service so cost effective and easy to adopt on many markets. About 90 percent of telecom operators currently provide this service for their subscribers.

SMS messages are considered to be a basic feature that mobile phones have to provide at this time. Acision looks for a further development for it in the future, to improve performances even more.

"Mobile messaging contributes significantly to the total mobile service revenues of almost every network operator on the planet, and the phenomenal evolution of the SMSC over the past 15 years has been a direct factor to the overall success of SMS. However, we're not done yet, as Acision is constantly looking ahead with our open IP based architecture to improve performance without limits, enable new and converged services and continue building on our 15 year track record as the market leaders and innovators of SMS", commented Steven van Zanen, VP Marketing for Intuitive Messaging at Acision.

Come to think of it, the Short Message Service has kept it simple over the past 15 years. Its development has been seen only in terms of more reliable results and more efficient results from operators. Still, one of the main reasons which have made the SMS popular among mobile phone users is the fact that it proves to be such a simple solution. Effectiveness combined with low costs is the main reason which has made it survive and flourish over the years.