Pro-grade audio editing on the go. ASIO and VST support included. And Vista.

Dec 17, 2007 09:17 GMT  ·  By

Until now, powerful audio editors with a shot at the prosumer class were rather big, complex and by all means, some of them were costly. It's time to announce with extreme pleasure, the release of one of the neatest audio editors encountered during the last one and a half year: ladies and gentlemen, meet the Wavosaur!

[admark=1]The Wavosaur is one very fine piece of software: despite its freeware character, the workings and construction are similar to the most serious paid programs and if you think that a such a piece of free code can't have your more-than-basic jobs done, then you're so wrong.

The second thing about the Wavosaur is its diminutive size: we're talking 488KB of code and this means one very important thing - you can carry it with you on your USB stick. Even more, the Wavosaur simply works and needs no installer; by all means it will never access you registry keys and tamper with your system: just plug your stick in any PC and there you go, you're ready to manipulate your audio files with ease and very good results.

This editor can handle a lot of file formats, including wav, mp3, aif,aiff, raw binary, au/snd, ADPCM Dialogic vox, and even Akai S1000 sample, Amiga 8svx & 16svx, making it a very versatile piece of code. One more notable thing is the full ASIO support and the extensive VST support allowing you to dramatically extend your editing possibilities and creative options.

You can do multiple files editing suing conversions, normalize, cut/paste, fade, shift and other basic editing operations, all from a very intuitive set of menus and commands loaded in a clean GUI with old, classic Sound Forge looks and sporting cool and handy zoom, 2D and 3D spectrographic, sonogram tools, multiple point volume envelope automation and even MIDI-triggered basic transport commands.

Even if at its first edition (1.0), the Wavosaur looks like one of the most promising audio editing softwares, also running flawlessly on Win98, XP and Vista. Check it out here and prepare your content smile.

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Photo Gallery (6 Images)

Multiple files handling
Complex editingSonogram view