Jun 20, 2011 12:26 GMT  ·  By

Apple has posted the newest iPad 2 TV ad online, allowing everyone with a decent web browser to watch it in high resolution with quality audio.

Launched in March this year, the iPad 2 is the successor of the original Apple iPad.

The post-PC device indisputably dominates its segment of the market accounting for roughly 70 percent of all tablets sold since its introduction in early 2010.

While the first-generation device still performs beautifully, now there’s the iPad 2.

It builds on the success of its predecessor with a slimmer and more streamlined body, dual cameras, a faster, dual-core processor with 9 times more graphical performance, while retaining the 10 hour battery life.

Best of all, Apple simply replaced the iPad 1 with the iPad 2 by selling it for exactly the same price as before.

Customers can buy the base model with 16GB of storage and WiFi for $499. At the other end of the spectrum, the iPad 2 with WiFi and 3G wireless and 64 gigs of NAND Flash goes for $829.

So far, Apple has posted three TV commercials to advertise the tablet device, which includes ‘Now’ (the latest one).

Apple is emphasizing that the iPad is a game changer.

People can now read magazines that have playable video and audio content. The same goes for newspapers, and children’s books.

Apps that rely on augmented reality let you ‘touch the starts’, as the voiceover itself is heard saying. A full transcript can be found below.

“Now, we can watch a newspaper; listen to a magazine; curl up with a movie; and see a phone call. Now, we can take a classroom anywhere; hold an entire bookstore; and touch the stars. Because now, there’s this,” says the voiceover in the video.