The organizers of the event have uploaded video recordings of all the talks

Dec 30, 2013 17:26 GMT  ·  By

If you haven’t made it to the 30th edition of the Chaos Communication Congress (30C3) in Germany, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve missed all the great talks. The organizers of the event have already provided video recordings of all the presentations. 

Around 100 videos have been uploaded. You can check out Glenn Greenwald’s keynote and presentations on various topics, including car hacking, TOR, mobile network attacks, cryptography, and SCADA.

As expected, there are a number of talks on privacy and state surveillance. In this category, Jacob Appelbaum has revealed some new details regarding the activities of the NSA and the GCHQ.

In another interesting presentation, researchers have demonstrated that SD cards can be exploited for man-in-the-middle attacks.

You can check out all the 30C3 presentations on the Chaos Communication Congress website.