This bizarre creature, identified as a ribbon worm, might just be the most disgusting ever to crawl the Earth

May 5, 2015 15:09 GMT  ·  By

First off, I would like to apologize in advance, should the video below make you lose your appetite for a couple of days or maybe for the rest of your life. Yup, it can happen.

The footage was posted online on Sunday, and as slimy and downright disgusting as it is, it has since scored well over one million views.

Here's what all the fuss is about: the video shows a bizarre creature puking an even weirder web-like formation while resting in somebody's palm.

Rumor has it that the freaky animal is a so-called ribbon worm and that the web-like white formation coming out of it is an appendage it relies on for self-defense and to catch prey.

Wildlife researchers say that, when going about their daily business, ribbon worms keep this appendage of theirs in a special chamber inside their body.

When they find themselves around a potential meal, however, they have the white appendage burst out of them and help them help themselves to a tasty treat.

As it always happens when one video or another goes viral, some say that the footage is fake. Their chief argument is that, at one point, the supposed appendage seems detached from the ribbon worm.