The subject of the debate is the Colorado River and efforts to restore its natural delta

Mar 14, 2014 23:01 GMT  ·  By

If you're looking to end the work week rolling on the floor and laughing your heart out, then this video is probably your best shot at achieving this goal.

The video shows a mock public debate between comedian Will Ferrell and American icon Robert Redford. The topic of their heated discussion is the Colorado River and efforts to restore its natural delta.

Whereas Robert Redford urges people to support his “Raise the River” campaign, Will Ferrell wants people to get behind his fictitious “Move the Ocean” initiative.

Make no mistake, this BSSP video is not intended to actually convince some people that moving the ocean in order to restore the Colorado River could, under any scenario, be an idea worth considering.

On the contrary, this hilarious mock public debate is only intended to raise awareness about this issue in a funny and entertaining way.

“We thought that would be a good way to go beyond the expected public service announcement and get people to notice and take action on this important issue.”

“Both Redford and Ferrell seek to restore the Colorado River, but Ferrell’s Move the Ocean adds a layer of comedy and further engagement,” said Greg Stern, the CEO of BSSP in a statement.

“We saw this idea of a fictitious debate between Mr. Redford and Mr. Ferrell as a novel way to generate greater awareness of the very serious issues facing the Colorado River,” added Jill Tidman, executive director of the Redford Center.