Our daily dose of caffeine comes at a rather unexpected price for the environment

Aug 21, 2012 13:16 GMT  ·  By

By now, we all know that our planet has limited resources and therefore it is our duty to help keep them from being wasted.

Still, whenever this particular topic is brought up in casual conversations, people start talking about how major industries are first and foremost to blame for using and abusing said resources.

Therefore, it should come as a bit of a surprise for many people who turned it into their habit to start the day with a cup of latte that this daily dose of caffeine plays its fair share in impacting on the natural world.

As this video shows, about 200 liters of water need be wasted in order to provide us with just one such energy-boosting delight, starting with manufacturing the cup, adding the milk and coffee, and topping things off with some sugar.

However, there is one very good news: it is indeed possible to make lattes more environmentally-friendly, not by drinking fewer of them, but by making sure that both the companies manufacturing the cups, and those providing those delicious ingredients, place sustainability at the center of their preoccupations.