The video is meant as a protest against Western Australia's shark cull

Jun 13, 2014 00:49 GMT  ·  By

Once you get to the point when you realize you've spent the better part of your life surfing this crazy thing they call Internet, you pretty much think you've seen it all, and you should just pack your bags and head for the woods.

Ironically enough, it is during times like these that somebody releases a video like the one below, and you find yourself back in your armchair, facing your monitor and getting ready to keep scrolling and clicking for another decade.

The video is the creation of Hannah Fraser, an ocean conservation activist who is terribly upset about Western Australia's plans to extend its shark cull until 2017 and kill hundreds of animals in an attempt to make local waters safer.

In case anyone was wondering (and I'm sure many of you were), Hannah is also the woman featured in the video. Apparently, she is not only a dedicated conservationist, but also a professional mermaid. Hence the fact that she has loads of experience swimming with sharks.

Unlike certain high officials in Western Australia, Hannah does not think that sharks are dangerous, and, together with Sea Shepherd and other environmental groups, is asking that Western Australia do not move forward with its plans to extend the cull.

If you want to help Hannah protect the sharks, head over to and sign her petition against Western Australia's planned shark cull.

Tigress Shark - Woman Dances with Tiger Sharks from Blue Sphere Media on Vimeo.