The kangaroo currently lives at the Saint Louis Zoo in the United States

Jan 10, 2014 15:17 GMT  ·  By

I like a healthy and delicious breakfast as much as the next person, which is why I have to admit that I am a tad jealous of this tree kangaroo and its being blessed enough to have someone cook and serve it its first meal of the day.

Then again, I doubt that gulping down a breakfast made up of various fruits and veggies with a side of snowman would agree with my stomach, so I suppose there is not much else left to do but chase the green-eyed monster away.

The video above made it online this past January 9. The Matschie's tree kangaroo featured in it currently lives in captivity at the Saint Louis Zoo in the United States.

As detailed in the video's description, its name is Kasbeth, and it very much enjoys having a side of frozen water delivered together with its meal.

In case anyone was wondering, the kangaroo does not live on snow. On the contrary, it gets its daily dose of nutrients from sweet potatoes, celery, banana peel, raisins and romaine lettuce.