PETA and several other green groups teamed up to save these animals

Jan 18, 2014 23:51 GMT  ·  By

I am the first to admit that, every once in a while, PETA tends to get on people's nerves by pushing veganism down their throats. Then again, the organization does help save animals in need quite often, so I suppose things even out in the end.

The video above tells the story of how, together with Sam Simon, the Wild Animal Sanctuary and the Atlanta Humane Society, PETA helped rescue 17 bears that were living in concrete pits at a park in Georgia.

As detailed in the video, the animals had little room at their disposal when their rescuers found them.

Besides, there were not all that many things that they could do to keep entertained and had taken up the habit of begging for food from tourists.

Thanks to said green-oriented organization and “Simpsons” co-creator San Simon, the bears were rescued from this park and taken to a sanctuary in Colorado.

They now have enough space to properly stretch their legs at their disposal, and vets keep a close eye on them to make sure that they are healthy.