Video explains cases of deja vu in Aaron Sorkin's movies and TV shows

Jun 26, 2012 15:52 GMT  ·  By

He's one of the most critically acclaimed screenwriters (producer, actor and playwright) in Hollywood but that doesn't mean that every single word that comes out of his mouth or pen is original. Quite the contrary.

If you ever had a bad case of deja vu when watching one of Sorkin's many movies or TV shows, the video above will probably explain why.

Edited by drfunky17, it includes repetitive lines from “Malice,” “A Few Good Men,” “Bulworth,” “Sports Night,” “The West Wing,” “Studio 60,” “Charlie Wilson's War,” “The Social Network” and Tom Hanks' 1993 Oscar Speech.

However, it's not a diss, but rather a tribute.

“This video is a tribute to the work of Aaron Sorkin: the recycled dialogue, recurring phrases, and familiar plot lines. This is not intended as a critique but rather a playful excursion through Sorkin's wonderful world of words,” the description of the video says.
