The cubs were born at Central Park Zoo in NYC this past summer

Nov 6, 2013 21:26 GMT  ·  By

Just yesterday, I introduced you to a pair of snow leopard cubs born at Central Park Zoo in New York City last summer. The cubs are the first of their kind ever born at this facility.

As mentioned, the cubs spent their first few months of life in their den, and have only recently made their public debut.

The video above was posted online by the Wildlife Conservation Society and shows the two little rascals exploring their outdoor habitat.

The Allison Maher Stern Snow Leopard Exhibit that now serves as their home comes equipped with a miniature waterfall and lots of rocks, so it’s unlikely that the snow leopards cubs will ever find themselves without anything to do and get bored.

The cubs, a male and a female, are expected to be named sometime in the not so distant future, so stay tuned to learn what their ID's will spell.