The cub is still a bit unsteady on his paws, refuses to be ashamed about it

Aug 29, 2013 02:06 GMT  ·  By

Last week, a male snow leopard cub madehis debut at New York City's Bronx Zoo. Visitors were delighted to see him, and the cub did not seem to mind being at the center of attention.

Keepers say that, ever since he took his first steps outside his nursery, the cub has been busy exploring the outside enclosure he now shares with his mom.

The video above shows the cub jumping from one rock to another, chasing after his mom, and trying to bite her tail. At one point, the cub finds a stick and starts playing with it.

Sticks are absolutely fascinating, the baby snow leopard seems to think.

The cub doesn't yet have a name, but it probably won't be long until he's “baptized.” He was born back in April to mother Maya and dad Leo.