Humans aren't the only animals that snore, funny video thoroughly proves it

Sep 3, 2013 20:11 GMT  ·  By

Humans snore, and they aren't all that cute and cuddly when they're doing it. That's a given, and nobody would ever dream of arguing against the truth of this statement.

What's interesting is that several other animal species snore every once in a while. Pet owners probably know that cats and dogs sometimes make some really funky noises when they're sleeping.

Oddly enough, so do baby elephants. And ducklings. And even hummingbirds.

Check out the video above to see for yourselves. Take my word for it, it's totally worth it.

I'm still trying to decide which of the animals featured in this video would be the worst choice for a sleepover.

I'm thinking the rabbit. For some reason, the bunny in this video sounds less like it's enjoying a pleasant nap and more like it's about to die.