This latest PETA video is intended to promote the use of faux fleece

Mar 29, 2014 19:51 GMT  ·  By

Green group PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment) has released yet another video meant to educate ordinary folks on what they can do to make sure that they live in perfect harmony with the rest of the world and the animals that inhabit it.

This time, the organization is not looking to convince people to stop butchering animals and turning them into sausages and the like. On the contrary, its focus is on making wool sweaters a tad less popular than they currently are.

To this end, PETA has decided to raise awareness about the fact that, although nobody would ever expect to see them attending classes at one university or another, sheep are actually quite intelligent. Besides, they are not all that different to people, the organization says.

Thus, PETA claims that not only do sheep occasionally become depressed, but that they also let others know that they feel this way by hanging down their heads and avoiding company. When happy, on the other hand, these animals are surprisingly sociable.

PETA also says that sheep recognize each other based on facial features, and can even remember some 50 other animals of their kind and 10 people even if it's been two years since they last saw them.

Check out the video below to learn more about what PETA thinks makes sheep frightfully cool creatures, and feel free to share your thoughts on the topic in the comments section.