The video was shot in the waters of the Farne Islands in the UK

Apr 29, 2014 13:52 GMT  ·  By

I might have mentioned this before, but I will say it again: I would just love it if I could keep a seal as a pet, and not just because this would make every other pet owner in town turn green with envy, but also because these animals are annoyingly cute and friendly.

The video below shows a group of divers swimming alongside seals in the waters of the Farne Islands in the United Kingdom. At one point, one of the seals lets one of the divers give it a belly rub.

As much as the diver must have enjoyed this experience, there is little denying that the seal also liked having somebody rub its tummy and give it a pat on the back. What's more, I dare say that, judging by the expression on its face, it is well accustomed to being pampered in this manner.

Although they are wild creatures and should remain so, seals swimming in the waters close to the United Kingdon's Farne Islands are surprisingly friendly towards people. In fact, there is little doubt that, whenever they sit back and enjoy a belly rub, they are not all that different to dogs.

I hope you'll enjoy the video as much as I have, and feel free to share your thoughts on it in the comments section.