The machine succeeds where many people have failed

Oct 29, 2012 07:34 GMT  ·  By

Those who research robotics envision uses for them in every stage and facet of human life. The R&D field hasn't reached the point where it can actually make true automatons though, meaning that builders of robots have to focus on a narrow range of tasks when creating anything of the sort.

On that note, Japanese scientist Masahiko Yamaguchi has revealed a robot that can walk on a tightrope without plummeting to its death.

Granted, the bot is very small compared to others of its kind, and the progress across the tightrope is slow.

Then again, most humans can't even go one step without falling off, and those that succeed don't do it much faster than this robot anyway.

You'll notice that the feet of the robot have full-length indentations, allowing the robot to emulate how stuntmen hold their balance by grabbing the rope between the big and index toes.