Several orcas attack a pod of six sperm whales, the latter fight back

Apr 25, 2013 06:49 GMT  ·  By

The video above was shot just a few days ago in the waters off Sri Lanka's coast and shows several orcas attacking a pod of sperm whales.

Those who witnessed this confrontation say that the battle was carried out between 5-6 killer whales and 6 sperm whales.

Shawn Heinrichs, who succeeded in capturing this incident on camera, says that, when the orcas launched their attack, the sperm whales huddled together in an attempt to keep safe.

Thus, they pretty much formed a defensive wall and hoped that this might help keep them safe.

It appears that the orcas were hunting, and that they did succeed in separating a sperm whale calf from the rest of the group.

However, witnesses are unable to say whether or not the sperm whale calf eventually managed to get away.

Check out the video below for more footage of this confrontation.

Orcas vs. Sperm Whales from Blue Sphere Media on Vimeo.