This player's “method” of injuring himself is bound to make sports history

Jan 4, 2013 14:22 GMT  ·  By
Basketball player trips over a courtside waitress, falls and sprains his ankle
   Basketball player trips over a courtside waitress, falls and sprains his ankle

By now, most people are used to seeing NBA players and other basketball enthusiasts injuring themselves while undergoing extensive training and/or while giving their best out on the court.

However, NBA's Stephen Jackson might have just debuted a new category of sports-related injuries: the really funny ones.

As the video shows, this player merely wanted to take a step or two back to regain his balance after another player smashed into him, and ended up tripping over a courtside waitress.

This led to Stephen Jackson's landing on his behind and also getting a sprained ankle in the process.

Because of this injury, Steven Jackson was left with no choice except leave the court. Whether or not this incident had a say in the matter, the fact remains that his team lost that game.