Cast, director, and producers explain their vision of a more realistic Superman

Jun 4, 2013 19:11 GMT  ·  By

If you’re not hyped about Zack Snyder’s Superman film, “Man of Steel,” just yet, chances are high you will be once you’ve seen the extended featurette released the other day and embedded in full above.

It clocks in at a little over 13 minutes, so, yes, you should brace yourself for some pretty neat reveals, plus lots of commentary from everyone involved, from the principal cast to the director, the writer, and the producers.

I won’t go into details so as not to spoil this for you, but I would sum up this new video as the explanation you were probably waiting for as to why Superman is suddenly darker, grittier, and way more serious than in previous films.

The idea, the video explains, was to make Superman more realistic and not necessarily to pay tribute to his comic book roots.

“Man of Steel” will be out on June 14. Will you be seeing it in theaters?